Alright. First off, let me just say, fuck you. Okay, now that I've gotten that out of the way let me apologize for the length of time I let go by since my last update. Things have been a little hectic. Shortly after I posted SSM Part 2 my roommates, at the time, moved out and left me with a shitload of bills. Really nice guys as I'm sure you've already imagined. Anyway, my internet got shutdown which prohibited me from keeping up with the site. I finally got it turned back on around April only to find out that Keenspot had shutdown my FTP access, so I had to sort things out with them and I now have everything back to normal. Unfortunately while my internet was down the first year anniversary of Uptown Comics passed and in that time our fanbase has gone from 1 to 5. W3w7! Yeah, get a good laugh. Well, regardless, for those of you who visit my site now that my internet is up and I can still draw I'll continue posting comics for you guys. Also, throughout the time my internet was down you can imagine that I lost some ties with people that helped out with the website. Ja$e now lives in Cincinnati so I don't talk to him much, and Matt Pedigo is getting ready to go to boot camp for the US Marines. But, lucky for me, I think Joe is going to help out in his spare time with the Reviews section and I guess whatever else he decides he wants to help me out with. Also, you might notice that the Characters page has been cleaned up a bit. :)
Now as far as gaming goes I've been through quite a few games since my last post. I'll try to run down the list off the top of my head. Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, which kicked a bunch of ass. Mario Party 4, which never ceases to be fun. Enter the Matrix, which had a great concept with it tying in to the movies and the Animatrix, plus it was a pretty fucking cool game. Hitman 2, got back in to some Counterstrike, Mafia, Super Smash Bros, of course. Desert Storm, which got old fast, but is a lot better in cooperative mode. Those are the main games that I've played, there have been several others but those are the main ones. Also since my last post a few big, long-awaited blockbuster movies have come out, such as, The Matrix Reloaded (which I already have burned on DVD, shhh, don't tell anyone), X2: X-Men United, and The Hulk. I won't get in to specifics of what I thought of each movie but, in my opinion, all three were exceptionally good. Alright, enough typing, I'm finished with this news post. You'll hear from me again soon.